Musical Scenery Tranquilizers
(Landscape Videos)

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Musical Scenery Tranquilizers will display landscape videos accompanied with music and featuring gardens or nature in general.  There are no limits to the accepted forms of landscape, be they man-made or created by nature.  The landscape videos can just contain elements endemic to man-made and natural landscapes, including birds, insects and animals. We adhere to the broadest possible description of nature and we further propose that the best landscape designer is Creation itself.

The tranquilizer tag is relevant because these presentations are designed to soothe the soul as well as entertain and inform.

The landscape videos will be provided by Garden Gateway Design staff as well as additional submittals solicited from Professional Landscape Designers, Garden Gateways Design members and new visitors as well.  They will be invited to share their photos  and comments by submitting them to us for insertion into these pages. Refer to our submittal procedures as outlined in Contribute Content in the Menu selections. It is assumed that all of your submittals will be copyrighted protected for your submittal unless you indicate that you want to open-share your creations.

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