Design Concepts

Design concepts and landscape ideas received from landscape design professionals that display their creativity, and to be displayed within these pages to inspire others.
Conceptual plans are created to present landscape ideas to clients prior to developing fully detailed plans without all of the elements included and required for permitting, budgeting and installation purposes.
Because of the lack of details shown on design concepts, the ideas or ultimate goals of a project are often far more obvious to both the designers and the client.
Many of these concepts went on to create detailed plans and became fully realized projects and many did not for many reasons. That factor is irrelevant in these presentations as the concept is the preferred focus.
Landscape Design Professionals are invited to share their conceptual plans with our visitors by submitting them to us. Refer to our submittal procedures as outlined in SUBMITTALS in the Menu selections. It is assumed that all of your submittals will be copyrighted protected for your submittal unless you indicate that you want to open-share your creations. You may add your creation and contact information if you desire to have interested viewers initiate a contact directly to you.